Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Standardization in Eclipse projects

In 2011, Triskell project participates to the creation of Polarsys (A New Industry Collaboration to Build Open Source Tools for Safety-Critical Software Development) at the Eclipse Foundation to focus on building and maintaining tools for safety critical and embedded system development.

Standardization at OMG

In 2011, Triskell project participates to normalization actions at omg (http://www.omg.org/ ). It was involved in the CVL Common Variability Language Response to RFP and was interested in the Analysis and Design group which promotes standard modeling techniques including UML and MOF.

Collaboration with foreign research groups

University of Zürich Since 2010, Triskell has been working with the Requirements Engineering group on static analysis for model operations. Our work on metamodel footprint recovery has been published at ICSE [37] . We have started an empirical validation of this work with groups of students from Rennes and Zürich.

University of Luxembourg. Since 2009 Triskell is involved in a collaborative project called SPLIT: Combine Software Product Line and Aspect-Oriented Software Development (with Nicolas Guelfi and Jacques Klein), that is funded by both the PICS program of CNRS and the FNR of Luxembourg. This project is providing the background and the funding for Paul Istoan's PhD thesis, done in co-tutelle between University of Rennes and University of Luxembourg. As an initial research result, we showed how aspects can be unwoven, based on a precise traceability metamodel dedicated to aspect model weaving.